The files on the first line have
their pages in sequence for viewing
on line. Those on the
second and third lines are split for printing and
displayed as sides 1 and 2. However, I have become aware
that other people's printers and paper do not correspond exactly with mine, and these lines
are not much used. Accordingly, I have tried
to restore all
files of the top line only that were corrupted. Ask me if you want
restored files from the lower
- Fr Jack
This document in the Breviary and the
Missal deals mostly with the calculation of Easter and its reform in
1582. It is not included in the English Breviary or the Monastic
Breviary, since it is not accepted for Orthodox use. However,
Hilary Jervis of the Gregorian Club asked me to translate it many years
ago, and I thought it might be of interest.. It is replaced in my
Breviaries by a current Table of Moveable Feasts according to the
Easter dates approved by the Orthodox Churches (2000 to
2040 A.D.)
Holy Week and Easter and other: people's copies
These are divided in
order to shorten
download time, but one continuous file does exist and can be
reconstituted.. This is the edition that was
in use up to 1955, and all available music
has been transcribed.
* CLA / RSCM (O/P) edition in modern notation (pdf) with
acknowledgements to S. Michael's choir, Christchurch for these,
and to S. Joseph's Cathedral choir, Dunedin, for the Latin text of the
Passions (which can be sent on CD, being rather large)